Welcome to the "Terms & Conditions" section of our website, www.xplabs.in has been completely developed and maintained by Inventics Software Pvt. Ltd, but the virtual rights and ownership of the web property after completion belong to the founding members of XPLabs.

It is important to note that as per various laws under Information Technology and Cyber Security in India, this page of "Terms of Use or Conditions" is considered an electronic record.

These terms and conditions outline the scope of usage, behavior, and limitations for all users of the website, including site visitors, clients, and partners.

  1. We invite you to read these terms thoroughly to ensure you understand the guidelines for using our website.

    1. Ownership and Control
    As the sole owner of the website, the proprietor has the authority to control all content and virtual information that is accessible to all users. This includes the right to remove, suspend, update, modify, or restrict any web material at any time without prior notice to users on the platform.

    2. User Inputs and Ownership
    As users navigate through the website; they may provide specific information such as comments, feedback, ratings, and personal details to the site owner. It is important to note that any data submitted by the user will be considered the company's intellectual property, and the user will not have the right to claim any monetary benefits against it.

    The company or site owner is free to utilize the data without prior permission from the user, except for certain sensitive material such as personal details and consumer tastes and preferences provided during various interactions for diverse purposes.

    3. Usage of Website Content and Permissions

All materials present on the website, such as texts, graphics, animation, and videos, are the owner's virtual property. However, the owner provides uninterrupted access to all users, who can download, copy, and save limited portions of the material for non-commercial purposes only.

It is important to note that reproducing, publishing, or uploading such information on other online platforms without the owner's permission may result in severe punishment and legal consequences under various sections of Cyber Law in India.

Users and customers are advised to frequently visit the company's website or URL (www.xplabs.in) to stay updated on any changes or modifications made to the company's terms and conditions.

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